I just returned from a little trip to visit friends in the Toronto area and got somewhat bored after a few hours behind the wheel, so snapped a few pictures with my camera while driving. Note: this is not really a recommended activity while driving due to obvious safety issues - I kept my eyes on the road by just pointing and clicking and not really looking at the viewfinder to see what I was shooting. It seems more unpredictable and exciting that way, anyway. 
The first one is of me passing a Schneiders truck. For your information, Schneider Foods is located in Kitchener, Ontario and is one of the largest Canadian producers of premium quality food products, at least that's what their website states. It appears I was somewhat hungry at that point?

It was a nice day for a drive, but I did hit one or two patches of rain so the unsettled, constantly changing sky was marvelous to watch. Here was a particularly nice section of stormy cloud and sunshine fighting it out.
The first one is of me passing a Schneiders truck. For your information, Schneider Foods is located in Kitchener, Ontario and is one of the largest Canadian producers of premium quality food products, at least that's what their website states. It appears I was somewhat hungry at that point?
The second one is an attempt to get a picture of The Big Apple, a tourist attraction that features a large red apple almost 40 feet tall near Colbourne, Ontario. My timing was impeccable as not one but TWO big trucks passed in front of my camera just as I snapped the photo.
It was a nice day for a drive, but I did hit one or two patches of rain so the unsettled, constantly changing sky was marvelous to watch. Here was a particularly nice section of stormy cloud and sunshine fighting it out.
Of all the great chats I had with good friends, old and new, on the trip, one comment that stood out was from Trevor. He had just witnessed the death of someone in their church from cancer and said that what was most meaningfully remembered at a service celebrating this man's life were not his community and business accomplishments (of which he had many) but the family vacations and times spent together. I had just been discussing a possible road trip with good friends and was wondering if this was a good use of our limited time and resources right now. Well, what would I rather spend my limited time and resources on but being with people whom I love and value and investing in their lives? Let me make good and meaningful memories, not just impressive success stories.