I have been sending out daily emails of 40 Days of Offerings (a simple and brief devotional exercise to do each day of Lent) to our friends and church community. Today's suggested exercise was to stop all the noise for a bit and LISTEN. Sit in silence and hear. Read a passage from the Bible out loud and hear. Ask God to give us ears to hear. I sat with Tea at the dining room table and after reading my Bible, listened. This is what I heard:
* Tea licking herself clean (she does this rather noisily)
* the fridge running
* my breathing
* the wind outside
* the house creaking
* an MSN alert when Amy from Toronto signed in
* the clock ticking in the office
* my stomach gurgling and digesting
I also asked God to let me hear him more clearly and he reminded me of a verse I had just read in 2 Chronicles 29. This is verse 11 from The Message: "Children, don't drag your feet in this! God has chosen you to take your place before him to serve in conducting and leading worship - this is your life work; make sure you do it and do it well."
Only minutes after I read this verse, I received an email from my friend Awa who was praying that today I would hear one of those founding truths from God that last a lifetime. Thank you.