Stores opened early this Saturday morning; water and other essentials are being snapped up. There are long line-ups at some gas stations. All this information comes from the constant television news coverage here in Hawaii. However, when I look out my window, everything seems normal. There are sailboats on the ocean. People are out for their morning run. The garbage truck came by and picked up the trash on the street.
Dean is excited because he has never seen a tsunami before. He also likes to drive in blinding snowstorms and would probably chase down a tornado if one was in the area. He's just like that. I asked God that if possible, no one be killed in Hawaii. The size of the wave in unknown. It could be a small swell that does nothing more than wet a few hotel lobbies. Or it could be 10 feet of destruction that comes in successive waves over a few hours and wreaks havoc on the coast. The last time there was a large earthquake in Chile (1960), the tsunami claimed 61 lives in Hawaii. The quake last night was not quite as severe, so I am hoping and praying that the impact will be minimal.
Here is what I read this morning in 2 Corinthians 4: We're not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do....The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.
I feel no panic and no fear. I will have a shower and we'll go out for breakfast (if the restaurant downstairs is open). Then I'll read a book, keep an eye on the news, and go out on the balcony to watch what happens. If the order comes to evacuate I will pack up my computer, an extra set of clothes, a few toiletries, and leave. If I see someone in need, I will help. And no matter how the day turns out, I will try to stick with God and follow where he leads. That's the only plan I have today and really, every day.
This is the view of Waikiki Beach taken from Diamond Head Crater yesterday.