Currently in our small home group gathering, we are tackling subjects that people have indicated they would like to not only learn more about, but get better at. Last week we talked about hearing God better, or being able to recognise that still small voice of wisdom. And then we practiced. We always practice what we are learning in these evenings, because that's the way you get better. Practice. Do it. Try. And then do it over and over.
Here are some points that I came up with on how to recognise the voice of God in your life, in whatever form it takes (inspired by Jonah):
1. it is loving
2. it requires faith
3. it puts you out of your comfort zone
4. it does not focus on you or your needs, but in bringing honour to God and in putting things right.
5. it is invitational - it invites you to step closer to God and what he is doing
6. it does not sound like YOU!
What are you hearing today?
This is the garden at the counseling centre where we used to meet as a church. Taken on the day we moved out of the place.
not sure I agree with number 4 or at least the way that you put it...Jesus usually does talk to me about my needs, putting things back into perspective and reminding me of who He is for me. Then I can live from a place of strength and security with authenticity. Or maybe it is that I talk to him about my needs, and he always answers me.