Anyway, in my friend's living room, while we were talking and venting and in general just being honest about how this story made us feel, I suddenly had the overwhelming sense that God's presence was very near me. Then I heard him say (in the kindest voice, audible only to myself), "Mattie, Mattie, Mattie. You have let these things come between us. These things that you don't understand. You don't trust me in these places. Just let them go. You can trust me."
I was undone. I saw my unbelief and how I was withholding myself from God because I didn't care for his methods (polar opposite of Abraham's response, you might observe). And then I let the distrust go. I let go the misunderstanding I was carrying. I let my wary and cynical guard down and I chose to trust.
It is easy to confuse the two: a) a perception of inconsistency and b) unfaithfulness, but they are not equal. God's behaviour may seem erratic to us but that is because he dwells beyond the four dimensions that I am comfortable with. The stories and words in the Bible cannot encompass his character or adequately describe him, but they give us a glimpse of faithfulness that defies anything we have ever experienced on this earth. He will never leave me. He might do things I do not understand (in fact, I am certain he will because my understanding is less than God's by definition, especially in light of my limited view of time), but he will never be found unfaithful. He will stick by me when I am trusting and when I doubt. He will always respond to my call and my desire to come close. He will never put me in a position that cannot be turned into good. He will always do what he says. He will always be making things right. And in the end, he will always be trustworthy.
This is the snow on my deck today as seen through the vertical blinds.
One gets the sense from particular stories in the Bible that sacrificing one's first born was one of the highest regarded offerings. And the Israelites might have been criticized for only sacrificing animals and not being as dedicated to their god as the nations around them were to theirs. We know a number of them practiced human sacrifice.
So, a story about Abraham intending to sacrifice his own son and then being prevented from doing so by God or in the actual language Ba-el (Lord God) would tend to avert the critical attacks in regard to loyalty and willingness to sacrifice for one's own god.
This also might mark a point where Israel stopped practicing human sacrifice and this was the apologetic designed to move the sacrificial system to animals. There are strong indications that in certain rare cases human sacrifice was acceptable in Israel.