I have been reading Gregory Boyle's Tattoos on the Heart. It is filled with stories from the Catholic priest's twenty years of working with gang members in central LA, an area known for its high concentration of gang-related murders. The stories of founding Homeboy Industries and offering gang members an alternative lifestyle are inspiring, funny, touching, and they garner my deep respect for all that Boyle and his staff and volunteers do for their community. And the love and patience with which they do it. But as poignant as the stories are, I don't totally identify with them. After all, gang life in central LA is pretty far removed from theology studies in Montreal. And then I came to the chapter called "Success." And things got close to home real fast. Boyle begins with these words: "People want me to tell them success stories. I understand this. They are the stories you want to t...
I have a PhD in dramatic theology and teach theology and spirituality in various settings. Welcome to my musings on life, learning, and theology.