Winter tree in Saint-Laurent. Jan 28 2013 I am facilitating a spiritual formation course on Tuesday evenings based on the book, The Good and Beautiful God . Basically, the book deals with aligning our perceptions of God with the God that Jesus presents in the New Testament. It is a well-structured study with accessible language, group learning, and a spiritual discipline exercise (the author calls it soul-training) at the end of every chapter. This week we were to spend 5 minutes in silence every day and take some time to observe creation. Sounds simple, and I basically do these two things most every day anyway. But, as always seems to happen, the very week I am to practice these disciplines and write something about them, my schedule is turned on its ear. I was working as a conference assistant for 3 days which meant early mornings and long days inside a classroom downtown. In addition, I had a house guest for 4 d...
I have a PhD in dramatic theology and teach theology and spirituality in various settings. Welcome to my musings on life, learning, and theology.