Heels are not evil, don't get me wrong, but they speak to me of the not-so-subtle pressure out there to look or dress a certain way in order to be attractive. What it says most loudly to me is that we are not happy with who we are. We want to be taller, sexier, more shapely, have longer legs, blonder hair, flawless faces, longer lashes, redder lips, and bouncier hair. Where can I find a woman that is happy with who she is? And the age she is? Why do so many of us have 'downplaying our alleged figure faults' as the primary motivation when getting dressed? How many of us wear something because we feel fantastic in our bodies? I love looking good, but who decides what this "good" is? I would not give that authority to the fashion industry - they are trying to sell us their goods and in order for them to do this, we have to feel we lack something.
In my opinion, a healthy and content person is beautiful. They carry themselves with an air of confidence that needs no heels to bolster it. Love also makes people glow. When my husband and my good friends tell me I am beautiful, I need to believe them. They know the real me. Yes, I usually wear make-up, colour my hair, and try to wear matching clothes, but there are times when I don't, and that's okay. Some days the natural look is a refreshing change, and Dean would certainly agree with this.
I don't need to be taller - I need to stand taller, confident that God made something beautiful in me.
I don't need to be younger - I need to embrace the fullness of life I have now.
I don't need longer lashes - I need to see clearly the beauty all around me.
I don't need a flawless face - I need to smile at more people.
I don't need redder lips - I need words of kindness to grace my lips often.
I don't need longer legs - I need a willingness to walk in grace and goodness and humility.
In case you have not heard it yet today, "You look good!"
the photo: Dean and me at a wedding this past summer. No heels, but we both looked fine!