1. We went to a swing dance class last night. What fun. They made the females change partners all the time so I got to dance with pretty much every guy there. At first I didn't think I would like that, but it was great: you meet lots of new people and learn to follow signals better instead of relying on knowing your partner. And what a difference a confident partner makes!
2. We also slid into the end of a Pink Floyd cover band show at Club Soda. Really quite good. The light show was amazing and the musicianship not bad at all. One amazing guitar solo!
3. This morning was telemarketer frenzy! What are all those people doing up on a Saturday morning calling me? Sorry, I was sleepy and had very little voice this morning so I just said no thank you and wished them a good day.
4. I am out of orange juice again. This has happened TWICE in the last 2 weeks. I must get better at OJ inventory management.
5. I like Dean. We went out to lunch with a friend of ours yesterday and I found myself saying wonderful things about Dean and how I wanted to be there for him. I could tell he really appreciated that. I need to do that more - let my words and actions reflect my affections in a big way. Who do you like? Let the world know!
This is the sky I saw while standing in my front yard on Thursday.